Source code for gobigger.balls.clone_ball

import math
import logging
import uuid
import copy
import random
from easydict import EasyDict
from pygame.math import Vector2

from gobigger.utils import format_vector, add_score, Border, deep_merge_dicts
from .base_ball import BaseBall
from .food_ball import FoodBall
from .thorns_ball import ThornsBall
from .spore_ball import SporeBall

[docs]class CloneBall(BaseBall): """ Overview: One of the balls that a single player can control - characteristic: * Can move * Can eat any other ball smaller than itself * Under the control of the player, the movement can be stopped immediately and contracted towards the center of mass of the player * Skill 1: Split each unit into two equally * Skill 2: Spit spores forward * There is a percentage of weight attenuation, and the radius will shrink as the weight attenuates """
[docs] @staticmethod def default_config(): cfg = BaseBall.default_config() cfg.update(dict( acc_weight=100, # Maximum acceleration vel_max=20, # Maximum velocity score_init=1, # The initial score of the player's ball part_num_max=16, # Maximum number of avatars on_thorns_part_num=10, # Maximum number of splits when encountering thorns on_thorns_part_score_max=3, # Maximum score of split part when encountering thorns split_score_min=2.5, # The lower limit of the score of the splittable ball eject_score_min=2.5, # The lower limit of the score of the ball that can spores recombine_frame=320, # Time for the split ball to rejoin split_vel_zero_frame=40, # The time it takes for the speed of the split ball to decay to zero (s) score_decay_min=2600, score_decay_rate_per_frame=0.00005, # The score proportion of each state frame attenuation center_acc_weight=10, # The ratio of actual acceleration to input acceleration )) return EasyDict(cfg)
def __init__(self, ball_id, position, score, border, team_id, player_id, vel_given=Vector2(0,0), acc_given=Vector2(0,0), from_split=False, from_thorns=False, split_direction=Vector2(0,0), spore_settings=SporeBall.default_config(), sequence_generator=None, **kwargs): # init other kwargs kwargs = EasyDict(kwargs) cfg = CloneBall.default_config() cfg = deep_merge_dicts(cfg, kwargs) super(CloneBall, self).__init__(ball_id, position, score, border, **cfg) self.acc_weight = cfg.acc_weight self.vel_max = cfg.vel_max self.score_init = cfg.score_init self.part_num_max = cfg.part_num_max self.on_thorns_part_num = cfg.on_thorns_part_num self.on_thorns_part_score_max = cfg.on_thorns_part_score_max self.split_score_min = cfg.split_score_min self.eject_score_min = cfg.eject_score_min self.recombine_frame = cfg.recombine_frame self.split_vel_zero_frame = cfg.split_vel_zero_frame self.score_decay_min = cfg.score_decay_min self.score_decay_rate_per_frame = cfg.score_decay_rate_per_frame self.center_acc_weight = cfg.center_acc_weight self.spore_settings = spore_settings self.sequence_generator = sequence_generator self.cfg = cfg # normal kwargs self.team_id = team_id self.player_id = player_id self.vel_given = vel_given self.acc_given = acc_given if from_split: self.vel_split = self.cal_split_vel_init_from_split(self.radius) * split_direction elif from_thorns: self.vel_split = self.cal_split_vel_init_from_thorns(self.radius) * split_direction else: self.vel_split = Vector2(0, 0) self.vel_split_piece = self.vel_split / self.split_vel_zero_frame self.split_frame = 0 self.frame_since_last_split = 0 # The time of the current ball from the last split self.vel = self.vel_given + self.vel_split self.update_direction() self.check_border() def update_direction(self): if self.vel.length() != 0: self.direction = copy.deepcopy(self.vel.normalize()) else: self.direction = Vector2(random.random(), random.random()).normalize() def cal_vel_max(self, radius, ratio): # return self.vel_max*1/(radius+10) * ratio return (2.35 + 5.66 / radius) * ratio def cal_split_vel_init_from_split(self, radius): return (4.75 + 0.95 * radius) / (self.split_vel_zero_frame / 20) * 2 def cal_split_vel_init_from_thorns(self, radius): return (13.0 - radius) / (self.split_vel_zero_frame / 20) * 2
[docs] def move(self, given_acc=None, given_acc_center=None, duration=0.05): """ Overview: Realize the movement of the ball, pass in the direction and time parameters """ # update acc if given_acc is not None: if given_acc.length != 0: given_acc = given_acc if given_acc.length() < 1 else given_acc.normalize() self.acc_given = given_acc * self.acc_weight else: given_acc = self.acc_given / self.acc_weight if given_acc_center is not None: given_acc_center = given_acc_center / self.radius if given_acc_center.length() != 0 and given_acc_center.length() > 1: given_acc_center = given_acc_center.normalize() self.acc_given_center = given_acc_center * self.center_acc_weight else: given_acc_center = Vector2(0, 0) self.acc_given_center = Vector2(0, 0) self.acc_given_total = self.acc_given + self.acc_given_center vel_max_ratio_given = given_acc.length() vel_max_ratio_center = given_acc_center.length() vel_max_ratio = max(vel_max_ratio_given, vel_max_ratio_center) # update vel_split if self.split_frame < self.split_vel_zero_frame: self.vel_split -= self.vel_split_piece self.split_frame += 1 else: self.vel_split = Vector2(0,0) # update vel_given self.vel_given = self.vel_given + self.acc_given_total * duration self.vel_max_ball = self.cal_vel_max(self.radius, ratio=vel_max_ratio) self.vel_given = format_vector(self.vel_given, self.vel_max_ball) # udpate vel self.vel = self.vel_given + self.vel_split # print(self.vel_split, self.split_frame, self.vel_split_piece) # update position self.position = self.position + self.vel * duration self.update_direction() self.frame_since_last_split += 1 self.check_border()
[docs] def eat(self, ball, clone_num=None): """ Parameters: clone_num <int>: The total number of balls for the current player """ if isinstance(ball, SporeBall) or isinstance(ball, FoodBall) or isinstance(ball, CloneBall): self.set_score(add_score(self.score, ball.score)) elif isinstance(ball, ThornsBall): assert clone_num is not None self.set_score(add_score(self.score, ball.score)) if clone_num < self.part_num_max: split_num = min(self.part_num_max - clone_num, self.on_thorns_part_num) return self.on_thorns(split_num=split_num) else: logging.debug('CloneBall can not eat {}'.format(type(ball))) self.check_border() return True
[docs] def on_thorns(self, split_num) -> list: ''' Overview: Split after encountering thorns, calculate the score, position, speed, acceleration of each ball after splitting Parameters: split_num <int>: Number of splits added Returns: Return a list that contains the newly added balls after the split, the distribution of the split balls is a circle and the center of the circle has a ball ''' # middle ball around_score = min(self.score / (split_num + 1), self.on_thorns_part_score_max) around_radius = self.score_to_radius(around_score) middle_score = self.score - around_score * split_num self.set_score(middle_score) around_positions = [] around_split_directions = [] for i in range(split_num): angle = 2*math.pi*(i+1) / split_num unit_x = math.cos(angle) unit_y = math.sin(angle) split_direction = Vector2(unit_x, unit_y) around_position = self.position + Vector2((self.radius+around_radius)*unit_x, (self.radius+around_radius)*unit_y) around_positions.append(around_position) around_split_directions.append(split_direction) balls = [] for p, s in zip(around_positions, around_split_directions): ball_id = uuid.uuid1() if self.sequence_generator is None else self.sequence_generator.get() around_ball = CloneBall(ball_id=ball_id, position=p, score=around_score, border=self.border, team_id=self.team_id, player_id=self.player_id, vel_given=copy.deepcopy(self.vel_given), acc_given=copy.deepcopy(self.acc_given), from_split=False, from_thorns=True, split_direction=s, spore_settings=self.spore_settings, sequence_generator=self.sequence_generator, **self.cfg) balls.append(around_ball) return balls
[docs] def eject(self, direction=None) -> list: ''' Overview: When spit out spores, the spores spit out must be in the moving direction of the ball, and the position is tangent to the original ball after spitting out Returns: Return a list containing the spores spit out ''' if direction is None or direction.length() == 0: direction = self.direction else: direction = direction.normalize() if self.score >= self.eject_score_min: spore_score = self.spore_settings.score_init self.set_score(self.score - spore_score) spore_radius = self.score_to_radius(spore_score) position = self.position + direction * (self.radius + spore_radius) return SporeBall(ball_id=uuid.uuid1(), position=position, border=self.border, score=spore_score, direction=direction, owner=self.player_id, **self.spore_settings) else: return False
[docs] def split(self, clone_num, direction=None) -> list: ''' Overview: Active splitting, the two balls produced by splitting have the same volume, and their positions are tangent to the forward direction Parameters: clone_num <int>: The total number of balls for the current player Returns: The return value is the new ball after the split ''' if direction is None or direction.length() == 0: direction = self.direction else: direction = direction.normalize() if self.score >= self.split_score_min and clone_num < self.part_num_max: split_score = self.score / 2 self.set_score(split_score) clone_num += 1 position = self.position + direction * (self.radius * 2) ball_id = uuid.uuid1() if self.sequence_generator is None else self.sequence_generator.get() return CloneBall(ball_id=ball_id, position=position, score=self.score, border=self.border, team_id=self.team_id, player_id=self.player_id, vel_given=copy.deepcopy(self.vel_given), acc_given=copy.deepcopy(self.acc_given), from_split=True, from_thorns=False, split_direction=direction, spore_settings=self.spore_settings, sequence_generator=self.sequence_generator, **self.cfg) else: return False
[docs] def rigid_collision(self, ball): ''' Overview: When two balls collide, We need to determine whether the two balls belong to the same player A. If not, do nothing until one party is eaten at the end B. If the two balls are the same owner, judge whether the age of the two is full or not meet the fusion condition, if they are satisfied, do nothing. C. If the two balls are the same owner, judge whether the age of the two is full or not meet the fusion condition, Then the two balls will collide with rigid bodies This function completes the C part: the rigid body collision part, the logic is as follows: 1. To determine the degree of fusion of the two balls, use [the radius of both] and subtract [the distance between the two] as the magnitude of the force 2. Calculate the coefficient according to the weight, the larger the weight, the smaller the coefficient will be 3. Correct the position of the two according to the coefficient and force Parameters: ball <CloneBall>: another ball Returns: state <bool>: the operation is successful or not ''' if ball.ball_id == self.ball_id: return True assert isinstance(ball, CloneBall), 'ball is not CloneBall but {}'.format(type(ball)) assert self.player_id == ball.player_id assert self.frame_since_last_split < self.recombine_frame or ball.frame_since_last_split < ball.recombine_frame p = ball.position - self.position d = p.length() if self.radius + ball.radius > d: f = min(self.radius + ball.radius - d, (self.radius + ball.radius - d) / (d+1e-8)) self.position = self.position - f * p * (ball.score / (self.score + ball.score)) ball.position = ball.position + f * p * (self.score / (self.score + ball.score)) else: print('WARNINGS: self.radius ({}) + ball.radius ({}) <= d ({})'.format(self.radius, ball.radius, d)) self.check_border() ball.check_border() return True
[docs] def judge_rigid(self, ball): ''' Overview: Determine whether two balls will collide with a rigid body Parameters: ball <CloneBall>: another ball Returns: <bool>: collide or not ''' return self.frame_since_last_split < self.recombine_frame or ball.frame_since_last_split < ball.recombine_frame
[docs] def score_decay(self): ''' Overview: Control the score of the ball to decay over time ''' if self.score > self.score_decay_min: self.set_score(self.score * (1-self.score_decay_rate_per_frame*math.sqrt(self.radius))) return True
def flush_frame_since_last_split(self): self.frame_since_last_split = 0 return True def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{}, vel_given={}, acc_given={}, frame_since_last_split={:.3f}, player_id={}, direction={}, team_id={}'\ .format(super().__repr__(), self.vel_given, self.acc_given, self.frame_since_last_split, self.player_id, self.direction, self.team_id) def save(self): return [self.position.x, self.position.y, self.radius, self.direction.x, self.direction.y, self.player_id, self.team_id]