What is GoBigger?


GoBigger is an Agar like game, which is one of the most popular game all over the world. In GoBigger, users control their owned balls to collect weight in a 2-d map with border. There are many other balls in the map, such as food balls, thorns balls, spore balls and other players’ balls. With the limited time, user are ranked by the weight they collect. In order to improve the antagonism of the game, users are allowed to eat other others’ balls to get more weight. So in a game, users need to grow by eating food-balls and thorns-balls, and escape from the larger balls, and eat smaller balls to gather more weight quickly.


Players are controling clone balls in a game.

For a more detailed exposition rules of the game, we will firstly introduce the balls in GoBigger.


  • Food balls

    Food balls are the neutral resources in the game. They will stay on where they are borned util someone comes and eats them. If a clone ball eat a food ball, the food ball’s size will be parsed to the clone ball. There is a maximum number of food balls in the map. Once the number of available food balls is not enough, the game will generate new food balls in random positions every certain time.


    A clone ball eat a food ball.

  • Thorn balls

    Thorns balls are also the neutral resources in the game. Different with food balls, they have larger size and less quantity. If a clone ball eat a thorn ball, the thorn ball’s size will be parsed to the clone ball. But at the same time, the clone ball will explode and will be splited into several pieces. In GoBigger, the pieces always have the same size, and they will appear evenly around the original clone ball. So be careful! If there are other clone balls larger than yours, you should pay more attention to decide whether to eat the thorns-balls.

    Another feature of the thorns-balls is that they can be moved by clone balls through ejecting spore balls. If a clone ball eject spore balls to a thorn ball, the thorn ball will eat the spore balls and grow larger. Besides, it will move on the moving direction of the spore balls. That means if a clone ball wants to force a larger clone ball to explode, it can eject spore balls to the thorn ball and move it to the larger clone ball.


    A clone ball eat a thorn ball and explode.

  • Spore balls

    Spore balls are ejected by the clone balls. They will stay on the map and can be eaten by any other clone balls. Spore balls can not move or eat others.


    Clone balls eject some spore balls.

  • Clone balls

    Clone balls are the balls you can control in the game. You can change its moving direction at any time if you want. In addition, it can eat other balls smaller than itself by covering others’ center. Once a clone ball eat other balls, its size will raise and it radius will increase accordingly. A clone ball has there skills:


    Clone balls eat other clone balls.

    • Eject

      Ejecting a spore ball can help a clone ball decrease its size and make it move faster. When a clone ball ejects, the new spore ball must appear on the clone ball’s moving direction with a high speed and quickly slow down.


      A clone ball eject to a thorn ball and move it.

    • Split

      Spliting helps a clone ball to split itself in two pieces. The two pieces has the same size. Remember that all pieces will be merged in certain time. If you want to move faster, you can split and turn your balls into smaller size in order to get higher speed limit.


      A clone ball splits into several clone balls.

Rules of Game

There are a few rules to be aware of as following.

  1. Player-balls have a decay on size to ensure that they will not grow too large. For example, we set size_decay=0.00001 in our default setting, which means that a player-ball’s size will drop 0.001% in a state frame. Normaly we will have 20 state frames in a second, that means a player-ball’s size will drop 0.02% in a second. If your player-ball’s size is too large, you must eat more others to remain your size.

  2. If a player’s all balls are eat, it will respawn in somewhere randomly and immediately.

  3. The player’s vision will depends on its balls’ positions. We calculate the centroid of a player, and get the smallest external square of all balls. After that, we expand this square as the final vision. To guarantee each player’s vision, we also provide them with the basic vision even if all their balls gather together. For example, if the balls of a player are dispersed enough, a larger vision will be applied for this player.

  4. Each ball has its own speed limit based on its size. In order to ensure the balance of the game, we let larger balls move slow and smaller balls move fast.

High-level Operations


Eject towards the center.


Surround others by splitting.


Eat food balls quickly.


Concentrate size.